We launched a series of employment service activities, created public-service jobs through multiple channels, and encouraged college graduates to take jobs at the primary level, enlist in the army, or join enterprises and institutions as interns. 开展系列就业服务活动,多渠道开辟公益性就业岗位,促进高校毕业生到基层就业、应征入伍和到企事业单位就业见习。
He enlist as a soldier in the army as soon as he is old enough. 他年龄一到就入伍当兵了。
At the time of the Revolution, one of my ancestors, who had refused to enlist in the revolutionary army because they insisted he cut his long hair, was forced to flee France. 在革命时期,其中一个祖先因为拒绝录入革命军,因为他们会割断他的长头发,后来逃到法国的。
Gary did not want to enlist in the army, but he felt it was his duty. 加里并不想入伍,但他觉得这是他的义务。